The Online Insomnia Center (OIC)
Greetings. I am Dr. Mark Rosenblum, a Sleep Psychologist, and I am the moderator and owner of The Online Insomnia Center (OIC). The OIC was developed with the intent of educating the public on insomnia and providing them with resources for accessing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). CBT-I is an evidenced based medication free insomnia treatment. Below are some common questions pertaining it.
1) What is meant by “is an evidenced based medication free insomnia treatment” ?
While CBT-I does not utilize prescription or over-the-counter sleep aids, it isn’t alternative or holistic medicine. Research has repeatedly shown it to be as effective as prescription sleep medications, without the same risks for side-effects and dependency.
2) If it is such a strong treatment, why is a site like this necessary?
Despite its effectiveness and safety profile, many people are either unaware of it as an insomnia treatment, mix it up with other early behavioral sleep efforts, or have trouble finding it.
3) How will the OIC address these shortcomings?
The OIC will provide sleep health education on insomnia and descriptions on what is involved with the treatment. Further, The OIC will provide resources in different modatlieis for accessing CBT-I. Lastly, The OIC will provide contact information for those interested in speaking with Dr. Rosenblum directly.