Hire Dr. Rosenblum for your next speaking engagement.

Are you interested in having Dr. Rosenblum speak to your organization about insomnia?

Since 2007, Dr. Rosenblum has presented on insomnia and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) for media outlets, healthcare organizations, and other entities. To inquire about Dr. Rosenblum’s availability and book him as a speaker, please call 1-844-676-6642 and select option #2.”

Some of Dr. Rosenblum’s Past Speaking Engagements

Minnesota 1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team

The Minnesota 1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team is part of the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS). NDMS is a federally coordinated system that augments the Nation’s medical response capability. The overall purpose of the NDMS is to supplement an integrated National medical response capability for assisting State and local authorities in dealing with the medical impacts of major peacetime disasters.

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, Plymouth, MN

The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is one of the largest and most respected addiction treatment centers in the world. Dr. Rosenblum presented at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation at their Plymouth, Minnesota campus on the relationship between insomnia and addiction. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) was emphasized.

Minnesota Health Professional Services Program, St. Paul, MN

The Minnesota Health Professional Services Program is a state run organization that offers early intervention services for professionals from many health care boards. Dr. Rosenblum presented on sleep disorders and their impact on health care providers in their workplace. Topics covered included sleep disorders, the cognitive and psychiatric consequences of untreated sleep disorders, clinical signs of sleep disorders, and evidenced based treatments for sleep disorders.

The Blake Upper School, Minneapolis, MN

The Blake schools are well-respected academic institutions, for grades K – 12 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. Rosenblum presented to students and teachers at the Blake Upper School on strategies for sleeping better.

Minnesota Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN

Minnesota Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN

LDA Minnesota 3rd Annual Regional Spring ADHD Conference, Minneapolis, MN

Dr. Rosenblum presented on the relationship between sleep disorders and ADHD at LDA’s annual conference for consumes and their families. Special attention was given to the neurobehavioral similarities between ADHD and sleep disorders and LDA Minnesota 3rd Annual Regional Spring ADHD Conference, Minneapolis, MN approaches to distinguish between these two conditions that often occur together.

Dakota County Sheriff OfFice Detention Services, Hastings, MN

Dr. Rosenblum presented to law enforcement officials on the common sleep issues often experienced by police as well as options for addressing them.

  • Minnesota 1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team
  • Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, Plymouth, MN
  • Minnesota Health Professional Services Program, St. Paul, MN
  • The Blake Upper School, Minneapolis, MN
  • Minnesota Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN
  • LDA Minnesota 3rd Annual Regional Spring ADHD Conference, Minneapolis, MN

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